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Common Issues

Known Issues

SUBMIT_ATTRS are not applied to jobs on the local HTCondor

If you are adding attributes to jobs submitted to your HTCondor pool with SUBMIT_ATTRS, these will not be applied to jobs that are entering your pool from the HTCondor-CE. To get around this, you will want to add the attributes to your job routes. If the CE is the only entry point for jobs into your pool, you can get rid of SUBMIT_ATTRS on your backend. Otherwise, you will have to maintain your list of attributes both in your list of routes and in your SUBMIT_ATTRS.

General Troubleshooting Items

Making sure packages are up-to-date

It is important to make sure that the HTCondor-CE and related RPMs are up-to-date.

root@host # yum update "htcondor-ce*" blahp condor

If you just want to see the packages to update, but do not want to perform the update now, answer N at the prompt.

Verify package contents

If the contents of your HTCondor-CE packages have been changed, the CE may cease to function properly. To verify the contents of your packages (ignoring changes to configuration files):

user@host $ rpm -q --verify htcondor-ce htcondor-ce-client blahp | grep -v '/var/' | awk '$2 != "c" {print $0}'

If the verification command returns output, this means that your packages have been changed. To fix this, you can reinstall the packages:

user@host $ yum reinstall htcondor-ce htcondor-ce-client blahp


The reinstall command may place original versions of configuration files alongside the versions that you have modified. If this is the case, the reinstall command will notify you that the original versions will have an .rpmnew suffix. Further inspection of these files may be required as to whether or not you need to merge them into your current configuration.

Verify clocks are synchronized

Like all network-based authentication, HTCondor-CE is sensitive to time skews. Make sure the clock on your CE is synchronized using a utility such as ntpd. Additionally, HTCondor itself is sensitive to time skews on the NFS server. If you see empty stdout / err being returned to the submitter, verify there is no NFS server time skew.

HTCondor-CE Troubleshooting Items

This section contains common issues you may encounter using HTCondor-CE and next actions to take when you do. Before troubleshooting, we recommend increasing the log level:

  1. Write the following into /etc/condor-ce/config.d/99-local.conf to increase the log level for all daemons:

  2. Ensure that the configuration is in place:

    root@host # condor_ce_reconfig
  3. Reproduce the issue


Before spending any time on troubleshooting, you should ensure that the state of configuration is as expected by running condor_ce_reconfig.

Daemons fail to start

If there are errors in your configuration of HTCondor-CE, this may cause some of its required daemons to fail to startup. Check the following subsections in order:


Daemon startup failure may manifest in many ways, the following are few symptoms of the problem.

  • The service fails to start:

    root@host # service condor-ce start
    Starting Condor-CE daemons: [ FAIL ]
  • condor_ce_q fails with a lengthy error message:

    user@host $ condor_ce_q
    Extra Info: You probably saw this error because the condor_schedd is not running
    on the machine you are trying to query. If the condor_schedd is not running, the
    Condor system will not be able to find an address and port to connect to and
    satisfy this request. Please make sure the Condor daemons are running and try
    Extra Info: If the condor_schedd is running on the machine you are trying to
    query and you still see the error, the most likely cause is that you have setup
    a personal Condor, you have not defined SCHEDD_NAME in your condor_config file,
    and something is wrong with your SCHEDD_ADDRESS_FILE setting. You must define
    either or both of those settings in your config file, or you must use the -name
    option to condor_q. Please see the Condor manual for details on SCHEDD_NAME and

Next actions

  1. If the MasterLog is filled with ERROR:SECMAN...TCP connection to collector...failed: This is likely due to a misconfiguration for a host with multiple network interfaces. Verify that you have followed the instructions in this section of the optional configuration page.
  2. If the MasterLog is filled with DC_AUTHENTICATE errors: The HTCondor-CE daemons use the host certificate to authenticate with each other. Verify that your host certificate’s DN matches one of the regular expressions found in /etc/condor-ce/condor_mapfile.
  3. If the SchedLog is filled with Can’t find address for negotiator: You can ignore this error! The negotiator daemon is used in HTCondor batch systems to match jobs with resources but since HTCondor-CE does not manage any resources directly, it does not run one.

Jobs fail to submit to the CE

If a user is having issues submitting jobs to the CE and you've ruled out general connectivity or firewalls as the culprit, then you may have encountered an authentication or authorization issue. You may see error messages like the following in your SchedLog:

08/30/16 16:52:56 DC_AUTHENTICATE: required authentication of failed: AUTHENTICATE:1003:Failed to authenticate with any method|AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using GSI|GSI:5002:Failed to authenticate because the remote (client) side was not able to acquire its credentials.|AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using FS|FS:1004:Unable to lstat(/tmp/FS_XXXZpUlYa)
08/30/16 16:53:12 PERMISSION DENIED to gsi@unmapped from host for command 60021 (DC_NOP_WRITE), access level WRITE: reason: WRITE authorization policy contains no matching ALLOW entry for this request; identifiers used for this host:,, hostname size = 1, original ip address =
08/30/16 16:53:12 DC_AUTHENTICATE: Command not authorized, done!

The detailed debug output of condor_ce_ping -d <CE hostname> can provide useful data from the client side.

The following are several potential causes and how to check and correct them.

Jobs fail to submit: Verify SSL configuration on the CE

Your machine must have a valid host certificate and private key, and the CE must be configured to use them. See the documentation about Configuring Certificates for details.

If the CE can't read its host certificate and private key, you will see an error like the following in /var/log/condor-ce/SchedLog if D_SECURITY is enabled in SCHEDD_DEBUG

10/07/21 17:52:01 (D_SECURITY) SSL Auth: Error loading private key from file
10/07/21 17:52:01 (D_SECURITY) SSL Auth: Error initializing server security context
10/07/21 17:52:01 (D_SECURITY) SSL Auth: Error creating SSL context

Next actions

  1. If your host certificate is installed under /etc/grid-security/, ensure the CE is configured look for it there (see configuring certificates).

Jobs fail to submit: Verify SSL configuration on the client

The CE client tools on the client machine must be configured to recognize the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the CE's host certificate.

If the client tools don't trust your CE's host certificate's CA, then the output of condor_ce_trace -d <CE hostname> will include something like the following:

10/07/21 16:39:10 (D_SECURITY) -Error with certificate at depth: 0
10/07/21 16:39:10 (D_SECURITY)   issuer   = /DC=org/DC=opensciencegrid/C=US/O=OSG Software/CN=OSG Test CA
10/07/21 16:39:10 (D_SECURITY)   subject  = /DC=org/DC=opensciencegrid/C=US/O=OSG Software/OU=Services/
10/07/21 16:39:10 (D_SECURITY)   err 20:unable to get local issuer certificate
10/07/21 16:39:10 (D_SECURITY) Tried to connect: -1
10/07/21 16:39:10 (D_SECURITY) SSL: library failure: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed

If your CE is using a grid certificate (i.e. one installed under /etc/grid-security/), then the client machine will need an /etc/grid-security/certificates/ directory containing the CA files for your grid certificate, and the CE client tools must be configured to look there for the CA files. The CE configuration files on the client machine will need to include the following:

AUTH_SSL_CLIENT_CADIR = /etc/grid-security/certificates

Jobs fail to submit: Verify SciToken contents

If SciTokens is the authentication method being used, you can examine the token's payload for some common errors. If you have access to the token itself, you can decode it at The token's payload will appear in /var/log/condor-ce/AuditLog* files, like so:

10/05/21 18:34:06 (D_AUDIT) Examining SciToken with payload {<payload contents>}.

The token's payload will look something like this:

  "aud": "ANY",
  "ver": "scitokens:2.0",
  "scope": "condor:/READ condor:/WRITE",
  "exp": 1633488473,
  "sub": "htcondor-ce-dev",
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 1633459675,
  "nbf": 1633459675,
  "jti": "cb84b7af-ed21-450d-a50e-552a5cd2904c"

Next actions

If any of the following checks fail, the user will need a new, corrected, token.

  1. Check that the aud (audience) value is either ANY,, or matches one of the items from condor_ce_config_val SCITOKENS_SERVER_AUDIENCE (i.e. <CE hostname>:9619). Tokens with an invalid aud value will appear in /var/log/condor-ce/SchedLog with the following errors if D_SECURITY is enabled in SCHEDD_DEBUG:

    10/07/21 15:55:39 (D_SECURITY) SCITOKENS:2:Failed to verify token and generate ACLs: token verification failed: 'aud' claim verification failed.
  2. Check that the scope value includes the string condor:/READ condor:/WRITE or compute.cancel compute.create compute.modify Tokens with an invalid scope value will appear in /var/log/condor-ce/SchedLog with the following errors:

    10/05/21 18:41:50 (D_ALWAYS) DC_AUTHENTICATE: authentication of <> was successful but resulted in a limited authorization which did not include this command (60021 DC_NOP_WRITE), so aborting.
  3. Check that the exp (expiration) value is in the future. Tokens that have expired will appear in /var/log/condor-ce/SchedLog with the following errors if D_SECURITY is enabled in SCHEDD_DEBUG:

    10/05/21 18:10:55 (D_SECURITY) SCITOKENS:2:Failed to deserialize scitoken: token verification failed: token expired
  4. Check that the nbf (not before) value is in the past.

Jobs fail to submit: Check user mapping

The CE must be able to map the identity of the job submitter to a local OS account, used for storing the job sandbox and running the job under the local batch system. This mapping is done via a set of mapfiles. If no mapping is available, then job submission will fail.

If a SciToken can't be mapped and the D_SECURITY debug level is enabled, then you will see this in the SchedLog file:

10/05/21 18:56:04 (D_SECURITY) Failed to map SCITOKENS authenticated identity ',htcondor-ce-dev', failing authentication to give another authentication method a go.

Next actions

  1. Check the files in /etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/ and ensure that the user's authentication method and identity are present (possibly via a regular expression), and that the mapped OS account exists on your CE and cluster.

Jobs stay idle on the CE

Check the following subsections in order, but note that jobs may take several minutes or longer to run if the CE is busy.

Idle jobs on CE: Make sure the underlying batch system can run jobs

HTCondor-CE delegates jobs to your batch system, which is then responsible for matching jobs to worker nodes. If you cannot manually submit jobs (e.g., condor_submit, qsub) on the CE host to your batch system, then HTCondor-CE won't be able to either.


  1. Manually create and submit a simple job (e.g., one that runs sleep)
  2. Check for errors in the submission itself
  3. Watch the job in the batch system queue (e.g., condor_q, qstat)
  4. If the job does not run, check for errors on the batch system

Next actions

Consult troubleshooting documentation or support avenues for your batch system. Once you can run simple manual jobs on your batch system, try submitting to the HTCondor-CE again.

Idle jobs on CE: Is the job router handling the incoming job?

Jobs on the CE will be put on hold if they do not match any job routes after 30 minutes, but you can check a few things if you suspect that the jobs are not being matched. Check if the JobRouter sees a job before that by looking at the job router log and looking for the text src=<JOB-ID>…claimed job.

Next actions

Use condor_ce_job_router_info to see why your idle job does not match any routes

Idle jobs on CE: Verify correct operation between the CE and your local batch system

For HTCondor batch systems

HTCondor-CE submits jobs directly to an HTCondor batch system via the JobRouter, so any issues with the CE/local batch system interaction will appear in the JobRouterLog.

Next actions

  1. Check the JobRouterLog for failures.
  2. Verify that the local HTCondor is functional.
  3. Use condor_ce_config_val to verify that the JOB_ROUTER_SCHEDD2_NAME, JOB_ROUTER_SCHEDD2_POOL, and JOB_ROUTER_SCHEDD2_SPOOL configuration variables are set to the hostname of your CE, the hostname and port of your local HTCondor’s collector, and the location of your local HTCondor’s spool directory, respectively.
  4. Use condor_config_val QUEUE_SUPER_USER_MAY_IMPERSONATE and verify that it is set to .*.
For non-HTCondor batch systems

HTCondor-CE submits jobs to a non-HTCondor batch system via the Gridmanager, so any issues with the CE/local batch system interaction will appear in the GridmanagerLog. Look for gm state change… lines to figure out where the issues are occurring.

Next actions

  1. If you see failures in the GridmanagerLog during job submission: Save the submit files by adding the appropriate entry to blah.config and submit it manually to the batch system. If that succeeds, make sure that the BLAHP knows where your binaries are located by setting the <batch system>_binpath in /etc/blah.config.
  2. If you see failures in the GridmanagerLog during queries for job status: Query the resultant job with your batch system tools from the CE. If you can, the BLAHP uses scripts to query for status in /usr/libexec/blahp/<batch system> (e.g., /usr/libexec/blahp/ that take the argument batch system/YYYMMDD/job ID (e.g., lsf/20141008/65053). Run the appropriate status script for your batch system and upon success, you should see the following output:

    root@host # /usr/libexec/blahp/ lsf/20141008/65053
    [ BatchjobId = "894862"; JobStatus = 4; ExitCode = 0; WorkerNode = "atl-prod08" ]

    If the script fails, request help from the OSG.

Idle jobs on CE: Verify ability to change permissions on key files

HTCondor-CE needs the ability to write and chown files in its spool directory and if it cannot, jobs will not run at all. Spool permission errors can appear in the SchedLog and the JobRouterLog.


09/17/14 14:45:42 Error: Unable to chown '/var/lib/condor-ce/spool/1/0/cluster1.proc0.subproc0/env' from 12345 to 54321

Next actions

  • As root, try to change ownership of the file or directory in question. If the file does not exist, a parent directory may have improper permissions.
  • Verify that there aren't any underlying file system issues in the specified location

Jobs stay idle on a remote host submitting to the CE

If you are submitting your job from a separate submit host to the CE, it stays idle in the queue forever, and you do not see a resultant job in the CE's queue, this means that your job cannot contact the CE for submission or it is not authorized to run there. Note that jobs may take several minutes or longer if the CE is busy.

Remote idle jobs: Can you contact the CE?

To check basic connectivity to a CE, use condor_ce_ping:


user@host $ condor_ping -verbose -name -pool WRITE
ERROR: couldn't locate!

Next actions

  1. Make sure that the HTCondor-CE daemons are running with condor_ce_status.
  2. Verify that your CE is reachable from your submit host, replacing with the hostname of your CE:
    user@host $ ping

Remote idle jobs: Are you authorized to run jobs on the CE?

The CE will only run jobs from users that authenticate through the HTCondor-CE configuration. You can use condor_ce_ping to check if you are authorized and what user your proxy is being mapped to.


user@host $ condor_ping -verbose -name -pool WRITE
Remote Version:              $CondorVersion: 8.0.7 Sep 24 2014 $
Local  Version:              $CondorVersion: 8.0.7 Sep 24 2014 $
Session ID:                  condorce:3343:1412790611:0
Instruction:                 WRITE
Command:                     60021
Encryption:                  none
Integrity:                   MD5
Authenticated using:         GSI
All authentication methods:  GSI
Remote Mapping:              gsi@unmapped
Authorized:                  FALSE

Notice the failures in the above message: Remote Mapping: gsi@unmapped and Authorized: FALSE

Next actions

  1. Verify that an authentication method is set up on the CE
  2. Verify that your user DN is mapped to an existing system user

Jobs go on hold

Jobs will be put on held with a HoldReason attribute that can be inspected with condor_ce_q:

user@host $ condor_ce_q -l <JOB-ID> -attr HoldReason
HoldReason = "CE job in status 5 put on hold by SYSTEM_PERIODIC_HOLD due to no matching routes, route job limit, or route failure threshold."

Held jobs: no matching routes, route job limit, or route failure threshold

Jobs on the CE will be put on hold if they are not claimed by the job router within 30 minutes. The most common cases for this behavior are as follows:


It is expected that jobs from remote submitters will temporarily be held with Spooling input data files as the reason. Once the input files have transferred the job will continue.

Held jobs: Missing/expired user proxy

HTCondor-CE requires a valid user proxy for each job that is submitted. You can check the status of your proxy with the following

user@host $ voms-proxy-info -all

Next actions

Ensure that the owner of the job generates their proxy with voms-proxy-init.

Held jobs: Invalid job universe

The HTCondor-CE only accepts jobs that have universe in their submit files set to vanilla, standard, local, or scheduler. These universes also have corresponding integer values that can be found in the HTCondor manual.

Next actions

  1. Ensure jobs submitted locally, from the CE host, are submitted with universe = vanilla
  2. Ensure jobs submitted from a remote submit point are submitted with:

    universe = grid
    grid_resource = condor

    replacing with the hostname of the CE.

Identifying the corresponding job ID on the local batch system

When troubleshooting interactions between your CE and your local batch system, you will need to associate the CE job ID and the resultant job ID on the batch system. The methods for finding the resultant job ID differs between batch systems.

HTCondor batch systems

  1. To inspect the CE’s job ad, use condor_ce_q or condor_ce_history:

    • Use condor_ce_q if the job is still in the CE’s queue:

      user@host $ condor_ce_q <JOB-ID> -af RoutedToJobId
    • Use condor_ce_history if the job has left the CE’s queue:

      user@host $ condor_ce_history <JOB-ID> -af RoutedToJobId
  2. Parse the JobRouterLog for the CE’s job ID.

Non-HTCondor batch systems

When HTCondor-CE records the corresponding batch system job ID, it is written in the form <BATCH-SYSTEM>/<DATE>/<JOB ID>:

  1. To inspect the CE’s job ad, use condor_ce_q:

    user@host $ condor_ce_q <JOB-ID> -af GridJobId
  2. Parse the GridmanagerLog for the CE’s job ID.

Jobs removed from the local HTCondor pool become resubmitted (HTCondor batch systems only)

By design, HTCondor-CE will resubmit jobs that have been removed from the underlying HTCondor pool. Therefore, to remove misbehaving jobs, they will need to be removed on the CE level following these steps:

  1. Identify the misbehaving job ID in your batch system queue
  2. Find the job's corresponding CE job ID:

    user@host $ condor_q <JOB-ID> -af RoutedFromJobId
  3. Use condor_ce_rm to remove the CE job from the queue

Missing HTCondor tools

Most of the HTCondor-CE tools are just wrappers around existing HTCondor tools that load the CE-specific configuration. If you are trying to use HTCondor-CE tools and you see the following error:

user@host $ condor_ce_job_router_info
/usr/bin/condor_ce_job_router_info: line 6: exec: condor_job_router_info: not found

This means that the condor_job_router_info (note this is not the CE version), is not in your PATH.

Next Actions

  1. Either the condor RPM is missing or there are some other issues with it (try rpm --verify condor).
  2. You have installed HTCondor in a non-standard location that is not in your PATH.
  3. The condor_job_router_info tool itself wasn't available until Condor-8.2.3-1.1 (available in osg-upcoming).

Getting Help

If you have any questions or issues about troubleshooting remote HTCondor-CEs, please contact us for assistance.